How much does my shipment cost?

*The shipping prices shown do not include any duties, customs, taxes, tariffs and brokerage fees which will be paid by the recipient at the corresponding destinations.

Shipping costs for Spain, Andorra and Portugal:

  • Spain Peninsula: 5,90 Euros, free from 69 Euros purchase.
  • Balearic Islands: 9,50 Euros, free from 85 Euros of purchase.
  • *Canary Islands: 14,48 Euros, free from 100 Euros purchase.
  • *Ceuta and Melilla: 9,50 Euros, free from 85 Euros of purchase.
  • Portugal: 9,50 Euros, free from 95 Euros purchase.
  • Andorra: 7,80 Euros, free from 95 Euros purchase.

Here you can find out how our returns and exchanges as well as the shipping and returns policy.

*Prices shown in Pounds Sterling (£) and US Dollars ($) are subject to slight variations due to conversion from Euro (€).